Hendrik Monkhorst

Position: Professor Emeritus of Physics and Chemistry

Affiliation: University of Florida

Email: henk@ufl.edu


Research Website: https://people.clas.ufl.edu/henk/

Research interests include: Development and commercialization of the Colliding Beam Fusion Reactor (CBFR), using hydrogen and boron-11 as fuel, in collaboration with a plasma fusion team at the University of California, Irvine, and with the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. The advantages over other approaches to fusion power are: practically no radioactivity, compact and easily maintainable engineering, and scalability to various power levels. Cylindrical geometry makes construction of various components (reaction chamber, magnets, direct energy converters) relatively easy. Other research activities are: conducting polymers, non-adiabatic (beyond Born-Oppenheimer) molecular physics, many-electron correlation problem.